Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ungoogleable can't be used as a word!

Ungoogleable means that something cant be found in any search engine. That's why google forced Sweden to remove the word from its new word list.

On a yearly basis, Sweden publishes 10 news words that have been popular in the publics mouth. one of those words was ungoogleable. After the show, google emailed the Council citing brand protection. not to cause any problems, Sweden removed the word from the word list.

The language council in Sweden asked: "Who decides language? We do, language users. We decide together which words should be and how they are defined, used and spelled."

And in response a Google spokesman said: "While Google, like many businesses, takes routine steps to protect our trademark, we are pleased that users connect the Google name with great search results."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Microchip Gives sight to the blind

Finally! Some smart person from germany was able to design a microchip that would help the blind see again.

In simple terms, this is the process

  1. The implant partially restored vision in retinitis pigmentosa sufferers
  2. The 3mm chip made up of 1,500 pixels was placed at the rear of the eyeball
  3. Patients were able to recognise facial expressions and distinguish objects
  4. Scientists at Tubingen University said the trials 'exceeded expectations'

There is one small spot where the nerve is still working which is what they based their microchip on. When technology and science and medicine come together, you can't help but get your mind blown!

Leave your thoughts about this in the comment section bellow! 

Israel Threatened By Anonymous

“Hacktivists Starting Cyber Attack against Israel on 7th of April,” Anonymous wrote on Twitter. And yes, Israel are taking it very seriously since it'll be the second OpIsrael. Anonymous with other hackers around the world threatened to 'erase' Israel from the internet! The first OpIsrael was in November 2012 in response to Israel's assault on Gaza. The Israeli government reported over 44Million unique attacks of the government's website. Not just that, after OpIsrael, Anonymous posted online the personal information of over 5,000 Israeli officials. Beware people, this is the internet.

Leave your thoughts about it on the comment section below. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Creating water out of thin air

Many places deserted places around the world suffer on a daily bases due to lack of clean water. In Peru, Lima only receives 0.51 inches of rain annually, which is nothing. But humidity can reach up to 98%. That's why students in University of Engineering and Technology in Peru (UTEC) along with the Peruvian ad agency, Mayo DraftFCB developed a billboard that can create clean water out of thin air through the process of reverse osmosis. This billboard can produce 20 liters of water on a daily bases which helped the citizens in Lima a lot. One can only imagine how much good it has been doing to the villages. 

If only people would make use of this technology, major positive changes will happen all over the world especially in poor countries that lack clean water. it will solve many issues like reducing diseases that people get from unclean water especially in africa. Investors should really consider investing in such project and spread it all over the world to help those in need.

Imprisoned Hacker Hacks Prison

Nicholas Webber, the founder of GhostMarket (a site that allowed hackers trafficking in stolen credit-card data and identities to hang out virtually), was sentenced 5 years in prison for creating the GhostMarket forum after being kicked out of school for hacking in the system and deleting his friend's detention records. Then he was just that 17 year old who made a global crime book that had over 8000 members stealing the details on over 100,000 credit cards worth $22 Million.

A very "smart" move was made in prison when they offered Nicholas to join the IT Skills class in prison. I am not really sure what were they thinking when they offered him to join that class but for someone as smart as Nicholas he wouldn't let this opportunity slip out of his hand. He took this opportunity and hacked the prison's computer system. Fortunately for the prison, the system had no access to information outside the prison which means he couldn't do much. The prison Fired the IT teacher who is going to press charges since she didn't know that Nicholas was imprisoned for hacking.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Keep your twitter alive after you die

A new program is being developed by the british agency which allows you to tweet from under your grave... kind of. This program will technically analyze your tweets/retweets/favorites so that after you die, it will be able to tweet on your behalf on a second account. So far around 7,000 people signed up to this artificial intelligence program! This account will add LivesOn to your actual twitter account and will have only 1 follower which is the person whom it belongs to. As for myself, i wouldn't want to have this account or want anyone I know to sign up for it! I can only imagine what will happen after they pass away and I start reading those tweets about them complaining about a bad day or just saying its a beautiful day! It's too freaky and unreal. 

Jetpack: German Skyflash


The first winged jet pack that can take off from the ground called Skyflash! Fritz Unger, from Germany, made his own homemade one man winged jet pack after 5 years. This jet pack can reach a speed up to 200mph and height up to 25,000 feet! This jet pack is steered by the movements of the human body. The only problem they are facing at the moment is that they still haven't figured out a way to get it landing on the ground. From my own point of view, I don't think its a good idea. I find it very dangerous and not something I want to be involved in.