Sunday, March 17, 2013

Creating water out of thin air

Many places deserted places around the world suffer on a daily bases due to lack of clean water. In Peru, Lima only receives 0.51 inches of rain annually, which is nothing. But humidity can reach up to 98%. That's why students in University of Engineering and Technology in Peru (UTEC) along with the Peruvian ad agency, Mayo DraftFCB developed a billboard that can create clean water out of thin air through the process of reverse osmosis. This billboard can produce 20 liters of water on a daily bases which helped the citizens in Lima a lot. One can only imagine how much good it has been doing to the villages. 

If only people would make use of this technology, major positive changes will happen all over the world especially in poor countries that lack clean water. it will solve many issues like reducing diseases that people get from unclean water especially in africa. Investors should really consider investing in such project and spread it all over the world to help those in need.


  1. it is a very good technology, it would be great if huge countries around the world help the poor once, especialy Africans, to apply this technology. it will solve many many other problems.

  2. I thinks that this is a great invention for such poor can be possible in the future that more powerful billboards are produced that can get more water per day

  3. :O !! superb! i think we should use this in our country! the drought really kills!
